

Abdülmecid E.


Ankara Painting and Scuplture Museum -Ankara-TR


What is going on in this picture?

What do you see that make you say that?

What more can we find?

What do you think is his status/occupation ?

Which nationality is he?

Do you think he is a soldier or a commander?

Which elements are suggesting your answer?


Guided drawing
  • Students will work in pairs: Student 1 will face the artwork and describe it to student 2
  • Student 2 will give their back to the artwork, drawing what student 1 is observing and describing 
  • A discussion will follow about these element of the process:
  1. «What did it fell like to trust your classmate being your hands drawing/your eyes looking?»
  2. «Which major details did your classmate miss?»
  3. «Would you have explained/drawn what is depicted in the picture any differently from your classmate?»

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