Special evening

Special evening



Hessam Abrishami Gallery


What is going on in this picture?

What do you see that make you say that?

What more can we find?

Which colours are used? Do they mirror the character of the characters?

What relationship do you think the characters have with each other?


Meaning of relationships

The participants should think about 5 people with whom they are in contact everyday, and reflect on what kind of relationship they have with them. What do you think about the result? 


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Raise a red flag
  • Provide each student with a red flag. 
  • Read them the following list of relationship situations, asking your students to raise their red flag if they think that behavior is concerning in any way:

1. Says "I love you" 

2. Lies to you about where he or she is going 

3. Gets jealous if you talk to someone else 

4. Constantly accuses you of cheating when you haven’t 

5. Asks what you want to do on the weekend 

6. Makes an effort to get to get to know your friends and family 

7. Cheers you on at games or recitals 

8. Puts you down 

9. Understands that no means no 

10. Makes decisions for you 

11. Compliments you

12. Seems obsessed with you 

13. Blames you for things that go wrong 

14. Says "no one else would ever want to be with you" 

15. Makes you laugh when you’re sad 

16. Criticizes you 

17. Breaks things in anger 

18. Wants to know where you are at all times 

19. Pressures you to do things you don’t want to do 

20. Respects your opinions

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